Saturday, April 6, 2013

New blog!

For the people that enjoy hearing about the random things going on in my life I made a new blog:

-Mary Claire

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Here is to that Day!

     One thing I have enjoyed doing lately is listening to Campus Minister's podcast. RUF is such a wonderful thing and I really enjoy all the different ministers. One of my favorites of course, is Les Newsom. I know that he no longer is a campus minister, but all his sermons are available on podcast on iTunes! He is so gifted and I want to share with y'all something awesome I learned from one of his sermons recently.

"At that very moment of deepest despair they (the disciples) suddenly find out that, low and behold, God was doing something more wonderful than the world would ever know."

     I had never really thought about the crucifixion in this way. While Jesus was being crucified I know the disciples were completely devasted. Can you imagine how they felt without fully knowing what Jesus was doing? Knowing what we know now so many years later. I'm sure they were absolutely distraught at the thought of their friend, shepherd, and mentor facing His gruesome death on the Cross. But what they didn't know is at that very moment God was doing something SO much bigger- Christ was accomplishing the one thing that had to be done for their souls (and ours) to be redeemed. Wow. So at their moment of deepest despair and grief, was the same moment of their souls being redeemed. Crazy to think about isn't it? I cannot but help see how this parallels to our present day lives. Often times when bad things occur we live in the moment and face the grief, sorrow, and struggle the situation brings. But what we need to realize is that God is always at work orchestrating something so much bigger. So huge and so wonderful our human hearts and minds will never fully be able to understand. That is, until we get to heaven. I don't know about y'all, but this blows my mind and excites me all at the same time. We serve a sovereign God who cares for us deeply. God is always at work in the lives of those who love him. 

     My challenge to you and myself is are you going to submit to His will and be obedient to where He leads you? In moments of grief and sorrow, confusion and misunderstanding, struggle and stumbling, are you going to have faith in the work your Father is doing? Are you going to trust in the one who holds your life? Are you going to know things will work out for the best in the end?

One of my all time favorite quotes is actually from another sermon by Les:
"God is in control and the path of humans is NOT random, one day it will be revealed to you why all the things of your life were sewed together. You will see SO much wonder, eternity will never be long enough to praise."

Here is to that day!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

-Mary Claire

Friday, October 12, 2012

Summer 2012

The Place to Be...
     Any of y’all that know me know my love for summer camp. I really think Twin Lakes is one of the best places on this earth and jokingly always tell people it’s a “glimpse” of what heaven will be like. This is mainly because of the community there, which I will talk about later! 

     This past summer was the second year I’ve spent working at camp and it was absolutely amazing, once again. The first summer I worked I was a counselor on Lakeside (the little kiddos, usually 8-9 year olds.) I loved every minute of it. But this past summer I was the LIT director- LITs are “leaders in training” which are 13-15 year olds who come to camp to serve and learn what that means in the name of Christ. I was anxious whenever I found out the job (going from 8 year olds to 13 year olds is a huge jump.) But let me tell you, I ended up absolutely LOVING it and God taught me so much.

My favorite verses this summer were Colossians 4:2-6-
"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison- that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."

     I can start by saying that my summer would not have been the same without the other 3 LIT directors I worked with. It’s so amazing how God worked out everything so perfectly. The other girl LIT director was Kristin and I could NOT have made it without this girl. She is one of the most wonderful people you’ll ever meet and shines the light of Christ to all she meets. She is extremely energetic, positive, and so much fun to be around! It’s safe to say we were together 20 hours of every day and never once bothered each other. I’m so thankful for her constant encouragement, the laughter she always brings, and the love she has for Christ. We worked with two different guy LIT directors, Justin was the first 2 weeks, and Brandon was the last 5 weeks! This summer was Justin’s third summer being LIT director so he knew the ropes. His passion for the program and love he had for the LITs was always so exciting to see. Justin is always bringing the fun and such a hard worker. Brandon took over after two weeks and did a great job. He was always so goofy and had such good spirits about everything. My experience as LIT director wouldn’t have been the same without these three awesome people.

This is Kristin, my other half this summer (literally and figuratively- we were playing siamese twins in this particular skit) She's probably the greatest person ever! So thankful for this sister I have in Christ!
This is JUSTIN! (the one kneeling in Maroon) This guy is so great and was so much fun to work with. I think this picture shows how much the guy LITs loved him and how silly he is!

This is Brandon, aka B-Dawg. We love being awkward together (hence the picture) and enjoying riding around on the gator blowing up pretend bird. Brandon did such a good job with the LITs and I'm so thankful for him!
   I could sit down with you and tell you a ton of stories from the summer about these precious LITs. I know that technically I was their “director” meaning I instructed them (and my hope and prayer is that I did) but they taught me so much. Even though each week was a new set of 30 kids and they were different, I noticed one thing usually was pretty much the same. 
First group of LITs!!! Loved these kids so much. 
    At the end of each week I’d always ask the girls what their favorite part of camp was during one-on-ones and SO many of them would always say “All the people here at camp. I’ve loved hanging out with the other LITs and all the staff. Everyone here is so nice and I feel like I can be myself.” This was so cool to me! To me this was them just showing the human nature and how we are made for community and relationships, and most importantly a community bonded in Christ. It was just neat to see them indirectly show the need and longing they have for those companionships in their words, but not always see that what made Twin Lakes so special is that it’s Christ centered. So I felt like God always gave me the opportunity to point that out to them. To show them that when a group of believers are working towards a common goal (sharing the gospel) beautiful things happen and God will bless those relationships. Because I know for me, even growing up in the Church, didn’t realize what a strong need we have for Christian community until after spending a summer at Twin Lakes.
My sweet, hilarious Anna from week one! This girl means so much to me!
Epic picture... Our photographer caught us breaking the picnic table mid picture! Absolutely priceless!
One huge part of the LIT program is working in the Dining Halls. This is To-To and Adriana, two of the kitchen ladies. I absolutely adored both of them and we all became like family.
Acting like Raptors :)
Wild Wednesday grilling- a weekly event! We love RESA!!!
    I cannot fully explain how much Twin Lakes means to me. It’s truly amazing to see the power of Christ lived out in those who love him. God is at work, all the time, and it’s so amazing to see and hear about how He’s working in the lives of his children.

To God be the GLORY,
Mary Claire

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Costly Pursuit

Think about your life and the people that are apart of it. I imagine most everyone can think of that one person (maybe more) that completely drain you. The friendship you have with them is exhausting. It’s you constantly giving, and them constantly taking. It’s you always listening, them always talking. It’s you always putting forth effort, while they sit back. If you can relate I’m sure you’re thinking about how frustrating this friendship is.
I’m definitely able to say that I have this person in my life and God has really convicted me of my attitude towards them lately. I decided to reread Timothy Keller’s book, “King’s Cross” and it is honestly one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s a book all about the life of Jesus. Chapter 12 hit me like a ton of bricks.
Tim Keller talks about the Ransom Jesus had to pay in order to save us. He poses the question: 
“Why did Jesus have to go through suffering into death? Why did he have to be a ransom?”
He answers this by saying, “Jesus didn’t have to die despite God’s love; he had to die because of God’s love. And it had to be this way because all life-changing love is substitutionary sacrifice.”
He proceeds to say, 
“Think about it. If you love a person whose life is all put together and has no major needs, it cost you nothing. It’s delightful. But if you ever try to love somebody who has needs, someone who is in trouble or who is persecuted or emotionally wounded, it’s going to cost you. You can’t love them without taking a hit yourself. A transfer of some kind is required, so that somehow their troubles, their problems, transfer to you.
“The only way they’re going to start filling up emotionally is if somebody loves them, and the only way to love them is to let yourself be emotionally drained. Some of your fullness is going to have to go into them, and you have to empty out to some degree. If you hold on to your emotional comfort and simply avoid those people, they will sink. The only way to love them is through substitutionary sacrifce.”
 The amount of conviction I felt after reading this was enough to bring me to tears.  I couldn’t help but think of the many times I’ve complained about how draining my friendship with this person is.
But this pointed me to an even bigger realization and that was the substituationary sacrifice Christ made for my sinful soul. God sacrificed the life of HIS SON in order save me. God displayed his perfect love by making this sacrifice. Jesus redeemed my life by giving up His own. I stand completely in awe of this truth and like they book says, it’s truly life-changing. This kind of love seeps in and completely transforms any life that it touches. 
Not shortly after finishing the book, at RUF Jason Sterling did a sermon that hit the same point. He said, 
"Start moving towards that person and bandage their wounds. If we ever love people we are suppose to know it's going to be messy- it will cost you something. Jesus calls us to go to these places to love these people. A sure sign that Jesus is at work is that we start getting messy and run towards the people that everyone else is running from. Run to the broken, not away. This is the heart of being a Christian. Start loving people in a costly way. The good news of the gospel is that our very brokenness is what turn's God's heart to our own."
The next Sunday I went with my friend to her hometown church, Independence Presbyterian in Memphis, TN and got to hear one of my favorite preachers Richie Sessions. His sermon was on the Lord's supper and he also spent a majority of his sermon talking about substitutionary sacrifice. 
God has shown me this is the root of the gospel, this life-changing love that God lavishes on all that He calls His own. 
By God’s grace I have a new perspective of the friendships that are so tiring. Instead I see it as God giving me an opportunity to demonstrate this very substitutionay love. He’s giving me a chance to love people in the same way that he loves me. What better way to be share the love of Christ? My hope and prayer is that I’ll be able to love people in this new light. I need to love people with a subsitutionary love. 
What do your relationships with people cost you?

-Mary Claire

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be Still

     College is such a time of uncertainty. So many decisions. So much change. So many new experiences. Although I do not deal well with change, I am so thankful that I can find rest in my future. In heaven where I will dwell with My Father who claims me as his own. I am His, and He is mine. If y'all don't already know I'm obsessed with Keith and Kristyn Getty and I find this song absolutely beautiful and such a comfort to my worried self:

Still, My Soul be Still:
Still, my soul be still
and do not fear
Though winds of change may rage tomorrow.
God, is at your side
No longer dread
The fires of unexpected sorrow

God, You are my God
And I will trust in You and not be shaken
Lord of peace renew
A steadfast spirit with me
To rest in You alone

Still, my soul be still
Do not be moved
By lesser lights and fleeting shadows
Hold onto His ways
With shield of faith
Against temptations flaming arrows

Still, my soul be still
Do not forsake
The Truth you learned in the beginning
Wait upon the Lord
And hope will rise as stars appear when day is dimming

     So thankful to have a Father that holds every detail of my future in the palm of His hand. Such a wonderful, loving Father who has redeemed my soul. My soul that can rest and find peace at the feet of Jesus Christ who died so that I may live. So that I can take heart and know that I'll spend eternity with the Lord and praise him in perfect song. 

Still, my Soul be STILL.
Mary Claire

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trujillo, Peru

     For those of you that didn't know, I just returned home from a mission trip to Trujillo, Peru. I had an absolutely amazing time and didn't want to leave. About 4 years ago Twin Lakes started a camp in Trujillo through Peru Mission. I know here in the U.S. camp is a very familiar thing, but it's a foreign idea to the people of Peru. I was really worried about the language barrier I would soon face... How was I suppose to share the gospel with kids that cannot understand me? How could I build relationships? How could I even conduct order? I grew more anxious as the trip approached, but God sure did bless our team and camp!
View of Trujillo, Peru from the our hotel's rooftop!
      The culture in Peru is so different than here in the States. For starters, Peruvians are so much more relaxed. It was actually really nice and slow paced and I learned to really enjoy it. The conditions of living are so poor... Even the lowest standard of living here in the US isn't much compared to the average standard of living in Trujillo. No air conditioning, no tap water that's safe to drink, very little paved roads, and so much more. It truly made me realize how much I take for granted and how much I don't really need that I have. 
Streets on the way to one of the churches we visited.
     Camp started on the Monday after we got to Trujillo. I was a group counselor for the group Blanco, the 11-12 year olds! I wasn't too sure what to expect because I'm used to a MUCH younger group at Twin Lakes in the States and I didn't know ANY spanish. Besides "Hello" and "What's your name"... The kids coming were from 4 different areas of town, one of those including the local orphanage. We didn't really know which kids were which though. As the week marched on the days began to run smoother and the kids really began to open up. A typical day at camp began with Assembly Time where the kids would sing and get excited for the day! They would then grab a snack and head on to their first activity. Each day the kids had 5 activities they would go to: Archery and face painting, sports, super fun games, the pool (all the kiddos favorite) and the Evangelism tent where they would here the Story of Daniel and do a craft each day. We would end the day with more singing and Frankie sharing the good news. I grew really attached to some of my sweet kids and was sad about having to leave them the last day of camp... I'm hoping I'll see them again one day! Whether if, Lord Willing, I go back to Peru or if it's in heaven one day! I'm hoping that it will be BOTH.

     This trip wouldn't have been possible without Alleen. Alleen works for Peru Mission and helped work out all the details for this trip to happen! Not only did she get everything together, but she is also so much fun to be around and has such a passion for Serving the Lord through Peru Mission! So thankful for her!
Group BLANCO!!!
The little guy hiding behind my head is Miguel. He wouldn't ever let me get a picture of him! Right before this one was take he pushed my head in front of his. This is his little brother Jorge. Miguel was great... So full of energy and so happy all the time. He was my dancing buddy during the assemblies. 
This is Jorge. He was from the orphanage and had some had some issues that kept him from being able to play sports and get in the pool. I tried to use that as a time for me to hang out with him. Although he was stubborn about it at first, we became buddies. By Wednesday he was giving me sweet hugs all throughout the day. Absolutely loved this kiddo.
This is sweet, sweet Majorie. This child has my heart. From day one she was such a sweetheart and so friendly. She had me playing all kinds of Peruvian games within the first day. She was also so interested during the stories Zack told about Daniel and tried so hard to memorize the daily verses. I was told the last day her story (she's from the orphanage) and found a whole new respect and love for this girl. She knew some english and on the last day when we were all saying goodbye, she kept holding onto my arm and saying "No bye yet.." I hope that I'll be able to see this little one again!
The whole team. There was a group from Savannah, GA that joined us Twin Lakers.  So blessed to have spent this time with y'all. Our leaders Tuan, Zack and Frankie were all absolutely wonderful and did a great job keeping things running smoothly and encouraging us.
Sweet notes the kids gave me on the last day.  
   God really taught me a lot putting me in a different environment. In fact, He changed the whole way I look at ministry. Before this trip I believed that one of the keys to ministry was the relationships I build with the people I'll ministering to. While that is very important, It's not key. I put to much emphasis on me, and my performance. It's not about me or the impact I have on that person. The ONLY thing that can truly change a person's heart is God and His living and active word. "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12. The best thing I could possibly offer a person is the gospel. God used putting me in a place where I was completely inadequate to show me this. There truly was nothing I was capable of doing to change these kids. Even in all of our weaknesses and inadequacies, camp was still successful. This is a testament of how God uses us for His purposes. He is in control. The kids had an awesome time and the gospel was shared at least twice a day, if not more. To GOD BE THE GLORY.
Beautiful sunset viewed on our plane ride from Trujillo to Lima
     I wish I would not have had to leave Peru. I absolutely loved every minute of it. I pray that God will open another door for me to be able to go back to Peru and serve Him. Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers!
1 Chronicles 16:23-27
By His Grace,
Mary Claire

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fellowship, At Last!

Last night I went to the Twin Lakes Staff Reunion/Tacky Christmas Party! It was the absolute best time ever. Really, it was. I had forgotten how much I loved the people I spent the whole summer with and how amazing Twin Lakes truly is. I have been home for about a week and this was my first Christmas party I’ve had a chance to go to. The fellowship was oh so sweet and reminded me of how beautiful relationships bonded is Christ are. I must say, even though it was a great time I sit here and feel much conviction. Weird right? Let me explain.

            This summer I learned so much about what a Christian community is and how important it is. You know, fellowship with other believers. I was absolutely overwhelmed by how much I realized I needed that in my life. God used the people at Twin Lakes to always provide me with strength, encouragement, and direction… Direction that was always pointing me back to Him. Back to The Gospel. That’s the beauty of it all. Fellowship, that is. I actually looked back at the post I wrote about camp on here and saw where I had talked about how camp served as a “light” in my life.  It always  was shining the love of Christ towards me so I could constantly be reminded of the helpless sinner I am and my undying great need for my Savior. I said, “I pray that I’ll continue to search for that beautiful, unending light that can be found everywhere. I hope that I can let the light of Christ shine through me, to bring glory to His name.” That’s just it, y’all. I sit here and look back at the semester and see where I never made that a priority in my “busy” schedule. I haven't been searching for that light nearly as much as I should have been. When I first went back to the “real world” after camp it was really difficult. I was always craving that community I had at camp. After a few weeks I eventually fell back into a normal routine and forgot what I needed and what God wants for me. I am weak… I’m a sinner… I fail… I need others in my life that will encourage me, walk with me, push me, worship with me, minister with me, FELLOWSHIP with me. I’m thankful to have been blessed with people in my life that I can do just that with. I’m thankful to have RUF. I’m thankful to have an amazing family. Now it’s in my hands to pursue these people and relationships. To nourish them. To value them.

But most importantly, I’m unbelievably thankful for Jesus Christ my Savior! He took the weight of my sin from me in order that I can have fellowship with my Heavenly Father for all of eternity. Nothing sounds sweeter than that… Spending life after death in constant fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ and with God. I’ll get to meet my benevolent Maker, at last!

-Mary Claire